M&A Culture Integration

Wray adds value to clients both pre and post-merger completion

Culture integration services speed up the transition
Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 3.24.50 PMOne key success factor for M&A is the length and nature of the transition period. It is our mission to provide communication flow, effective retention of valued people, retention and transfer of knowledge, facilitate required severance and minimize culture clash. These processes will enable rapid business integration of functions, policies, programs and roles to position the organization for sustainable performance.

Knowledge is power. Well executed cultural assessment and cultural integration are essential for highlighting differences in culture that may be the very reason to do the deal (or not), and identifying issues that need to be dealt with urgently.

What M&A culture integration services are available?
Services specifically tailored for each client and M&A transaction may include:

  • Culture Assessment to gain a snapshot of an organization’s current culture and potential issues to be addressed, as well as the desired future culture.
  • Culture comparisons to identify similarities and differences across organizations, geographies, levels, teams and other useful demographics.
  • In depth assessments of key leaders on both sides of the M&A resulting in recommendations concerning fit and maximization of post-merger effectiveness.
  • Precision Profiling of executives and team members to quickly determine the best fit for key roles and how to retain and motivate those you want to stay.
  • CoScreen Shot 2015-02-09 at 3.25.06 PMmmunication plans and programs that candidly tell team members what is and will be happening through the M&A to reduce uncertainty and speed up the transition period.
  • Focus the entire team on the goals of the business and not the problems of the M&A.

The processes of cultural assessment and cultural integration, both conceptual and tactical, are integral in attaining post merger success. The earlier in the transaction we are involved in the process the greater the chance of M&A success.